Peter Doherty: Stranger In My Own Skin

Peter Doherty: Stranger In My Own Skin DokStation

Peter Doherty: Stranger In My Own Skin


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Regie: Katia DeVidas / UK & FR / 2023 / 1h35min
Peter Doherty

Un portret onest și emoționant al rockerului britanic Pete Doherty, documentarul Stranger In My Own Skin vorbește despre momentele de cumpănă din viața artistului, frontman legendar al trupelor The Libertines și Babyshambles, dar în același timp o victimă a dependenței de droguri.

De-a lungul unei perioade de 10 ani, viața lui Peter Doherty este documentată de soția sa, muziciana și regizoarea Katia DeVidas, sub forma unui jurnal video intim. Prin intermediul mărturisirilor la persoana întâi, spectatorul devine un martor al luptei artistului cu demonii săi și al încercărilor sale de a ieși la lumină.


An honest and emotionally charged account of British rock musician, Pete Doherty’s darkest moments, as he plunges into the depths of drug addiction during his meteoric rise to fame with bands The Libertines and Babyshambles. Captured intimately on camera by his wife, Katia DeVidas, we witness Pete’s battle to overcome his demons and emerge from darkness back into the light.

Discover British punk singer-songwriter and Libertine’s legendary front man, Peter Doherty, as he plunges into the depths of addiction at the very height of his popularity. Over a period of 10 years, Peter Doherty was intimately filmed by director-musician Katia deVidas. We experience, in the artist’s own words, Doherty’s moving and emotionally charged fight to overcome his demons and emerge from darkness back into the light.

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