CCD workshops can be held in both Romanian and English! Workshop Description: The “Grounded Movement” workshop aims to foster a deeper understanding of how we move our bodies by using personal life experiences to dissolve old patterns and explore new artistic expressions within a creative and safe space....See more details
4, 11 Aprilie - 20:00 - 22:00
5, 6, 12, 13 Aprilie - 09:30 - 11:30
Belgian dream pop-rock act Zimmerman, the new musical endeavour by Balthazar bassist Simon Casier, will perform in Bucharest this fall – April 5 at Control Club. Tickets are now available via Making the most romantic record of the twenty-first century – that was the plan that Belgian singer-songwriter Simon Casier (better known as the bass player of acclaimed rock band Balthazar) had in mind....See more details
DITZ are coming to Control on April 7, 2025, with their highly anticipated second album, Never Exhale, set for release in January, 2025. ‘Never Exhale’ is the sound of a band that hasn’t stopped for a breath. DITZ have toured relentlessly since the release of their first album ‘The Great Regression’ and even before that, travelling at least 100 days a year since COVID....See more details
Minunații lui Verdini prezintă spectacolul „Magie în baloane de săpun”! Cel mai tare show de magie și muzică pentru întreaga familie ajunge la voi acasă! Îi veți cunoaște pe Dori Colori, Rita Aiurita, Bela Săpunela și Titi Coloriti! Avem și invitați mega-ultra-super-speciali: Magicianul Verdini și DJ BumBa, care vor deveni prietenii voștri, garantat! Fiecare dintre ei transmite o poveste, iar împreună învață cum să fie mai empatici, cum să îi accepte pe cei din jur, cum să transforme orice defect într-o calitate și cum să creadă în magie, indiferent de vârstă! Ingredientele unui spectacol minunat sunt pregătite: momentele de magie ale lui Verdini, muzica originală a Minunaților, scenetele interactive cu mesaje educative pentru cei mici, multă bună dispoziție și… un final spectaculos plin de baloane de săpun....See more details
Efterklang are celebrating the release of their new album, Things We Have In Common, at Control on April 29, 2025. Expect a euphoric and transforming journey through brand new music and timeless classics with one of the most charming live-bands on the planet. The ever-exploring Danish band has been releasing acclaimed albums since 2004, and ingeniously weave together elements from pop, indie-rock, post-rock, and electronic music....See more details
CCD workshops can be held in both Romanian and English! Workshop Description: The "Beyond Technique" workshop aims to explore the possibilities and freedom of movement found within one's own body. Participants will familiarize themselves with the space, partner work, and access different principles and qualities of movement through guided improvisations, coordination exercises, and floorwork....See more details
2, 9 Mai - 20:00 - 22:00
3, 4, 10, 11 Mai- 09:00 - 11:00
Control is about to host one of the most electrifying bands of our time. On May 10, 2025, Porridge Radio, the Brighton quartet renowned for their emotionally charged indie rock, will fill the room with their signature blend of jagged intensity and cathartic release. Porridge Radio are a London based band from the UK, formed in Brighton in 2015 around band leader Dana Margolin....See more details
CCD workshops can be held in both Romanian and English! Workshop Description: The “Round Around” workshop has as its main theme the idea of the rounded body which will be deepened through specific exercises that help to understand the need of the body to be in contraction by positioning it in the fetal position....See more details
16, 23 Mai - 20:00 - 22:00
17, 18, 24, 25 Mai - 09:30 - 11:30