Minunații lui Verdini prezintă spectacolul „Magie în baloane de săpun”! Cel mai tare show de magie și muzică pentru întreaga familie ajunge la voi acasă! Îi veți cunoaște pe Dori Colori, Rita Aiurita, Bela Săpunela și Titi Coloriti! Avem și invitați mega-ultra-super-speciali: Magicianul Verdini și DJ BumBa, care vor deveni prietenii voștri, garantat! Fiecare dintre ei transmite o poveste, iar împreună învață cum să fie mai empatici, cum să îi accepte pe cei din jur, cum să transforme orice defect într-o calitate și cum să creadă în magie, indiferent de vârstă! Ingredientele unui spectacol minunat sunt pregătite: momentele de magie ale lui Verdini, muzica originală a Minunaților, scenetele interactive cu mesaje educative pentru cei mici, multă bună dispoziție și… un final spectaculos plin de baloane de săpun....See more details
Catch Mammal Hands live on March 12, 2025, at ctrl for an immersive experience blending jazz, electronica, and ambient soundscapes. Mammal Hands announce spell-binding new album ‘Gift from the Trees’, their fifth studio album, pointing to subtle shifts and exciting new departures for the unique trio....See more details
Noua senzație a scenei electro-punk londoneze, trupa Fat Dog revine în România în primăvara 2025 și va concerta la București – vineri, 14 martie, la Expirat – Halele Carol, în turneul de promovare a albumului de debut, Woof, lansat recent. Biletele sunt disponibile în rețeaua Eventbook....See more details
Primăvara aduce cu ea magia muzicii, iar pe 15 martie 2025, Ad Libitum Voices vine în capitală, într-un concert special sustinul la Sala Radio din București. Sub numele „Primăvara Ad Libitum”, acest spectacol unic celebrează renașterea, iubirea și emoția, fiind o declarație muzicală dedicată vouă, publicului din București....See more details
Un suedez (Martin Tingvall), un cubanez (Omar Rodrigo Calvo)) și un german (Jürgen Spiegel). Trei prieteni care și-au făcut din Hamburg propria casă. Împreună creează un sound inconfundabil, “al lor”, și melodii care atrag chiar și oamenii care în mod normal nu ascultă jazz....See more details
Geordie Greep (guitarist and vocalist in black midi) is coming to Control on March 21, 2025. From 2017 to 2024, he was the frontman and lead guitarist of the rock band Black Midi, often considered part of the emerging wave of British rock music known as the Windmill scene. Following three astonishing albums with black midi, most recently 2023’s ‘Hellfire’, and almost non-stop worldwide tours for near-on five years, Geordie Greep has somehow found time to record his first solo album ‘The New Sound’, an album that has allowed him scope to explore creative ideas like never before....See more details
CCD workshops can be held in both Romanian and English! Workshop Description: The main objective of the “Enter The Flux” workshop is to enhance the body and therefore its movement capacity through cognitive and intuitive processes. Inspired by different expressive domains such as Martial Arts, Theatre, Poetry, Capoeira, Urban Dance and Contemporary Dance, we will try to understand and use the body in as many ways as possible in order to acces the Flux....See more details
21, 28 Martie - 20:00 - 22:00
22, 23, 29, 30 Martie - 09:30 - 11:30
SOLD OUT. All seats – including the last batch – which we released on January 15, are now filled. We are humbled by your interest, and we wish everyone could be there. Every year a few seats might become available as the conference approaches and some participants decide they can't attend....See more details
On Saturday, March 22, Clan of Xymox will take the stage at ctrl for a night of gothic and darkwave bliss. Since their formation in their native Holland their music has been constantly changing, always challenging and often quite breathtaking. A steady flow of critically acclaimed albums were released such as: Creatures (’99), Notes from The Underground (2001), Farewell (2003), Breaking Point (2006), In Love We Trust (2009), Darkest Hour (2011), Matters Of Mind, Body and Soul (2014) another timeless, deeply emotional Gothic record....See more details
She Past Away, the dark wave / post-punk duo, is coming to Control on March 26, 2025. The duo consists of Volkan Caner (vocal, guitars and songwriting) and Doruk Ozturkcan (drums, synths and production). Experimenting old/new aesthetic of synth music into their core guitar stuff, She Past Away forged a sound, an attitude, and a sensibility, conveyed through a minimalist poetry sung in Turkish, which sweeps the audience through a dense, continual epic trip in both their recordings and live performances....See more details